Summer Nats pics
Well what can i say, it was a bit wet! but what a fun weekend carrol and I loved splashing about in the puddles! or should I say lakes! but no matter how much rain the sky sent at us the party just got bigger and Saturday night in the main tent the jets played a monster set and packed the main tent out. Sunday started out warm but due to the weather the main show field was a bit of a wash out and the show was moved to hard standing ground, despite the weather people turned up with there very nice Hotrods, Fords, Dodge's, Chevy's, you name it, it was there, even andy carter brought his top fuel dragster! Everyone had a fantastic day in the burning sun!! (we got burnt to a crisp!)
I wasn't able to get any photo's on show day but don't worry I spent Saturday walking through lakes, puddles, mud bogs, Enjoy the pictures!
All Pictures are Copyright of Mr M Drake